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Whitchurch [ Cardiff ] Camera Club Constitution


Aims of the Club


The club aims to promote, encourage, and develop interests in all aspects of photography and support the development of skills of our adult members via lectures, competitions, visits and peer tuition within a social environment.


Leadership of the Club


The club activities and resources will be managed by a committee of no more than 6 members, comprising of Chairperson, Secretary and Treasurer [elected on an annual basis by nomination in May] and no more than three co-opted club members


Equality & Diversity


The Club is committed to ensuring that all activities provide equality of opportunity, including the Anti-Discrimination [direct or indirect] laws of The Equality Act 2010. This relates to and includes the adult members characteristics of Age, Disability, Race, Religion, Beliefs, Pregnancy, Gender, Sexual Orientation, Gender Re-assignment, or relationship.


The Club will ensure it act as a diverse, forward thinking and respectful group, fair and free from discrimination, valuing a diverse public and membership. We seek to actively promote equality of opportunity within the club.


Conduct of Members


Member must comply with the constitution of the Club and not act to the

detriment or prejudice of the interests of the Club or members.


A member may be expelled from or asked to resign from the Club at the decision of the committee. The committee can request a member to appear before it without stating the reason, provided that where any charge or accusation is made, the member shall be given a reasonable opportunity to put forward a defence and bring witnesses, at a later meeting.


Any member expelled or asked to resign shall have the right to appear at a special general meeting of the Club called for that purpose. All committee proceedings and any special general meeting called at the request of a member under this rule shall be treated as confidential and privileged. A Member who is expelled shall not be entitled to any refund of subscription.


Complaints Procedure


Complaints made against the Club, its officers or individual members shall in the first instance be made in writing to the Secretary who will make an initial investigation and report to place before the committee at its next meeting. The outcome will be reported to the person making the complaint. Any decision of the committee will be final.


The constitution is reviewed and ratified annually by the representative committee of the club at their October meeting.


September 2018



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